There are many items that we use on regular basis. Many items on the list we provide to our fosters as they are available. Puppies make messes and love toys, reliable leashes and collars help us keep dogs safe during transportation to vets, Wisconsin and to forever homes. Bones help keep dogs busy and happy while in foster homes. Training treats help teach basic commands to help dogs be better prepared for their forever homes. Quality food helps stabilize dogs systems after living on the streets and poor nutrition. Everything helps so much and we appreciate it all!
Monetary donations are always helpful! You are welcome to make a general donation or can put a dogs name in the notes if you would like it to go to a specific dog. We focus on taking last chance dogs. Dogs that would otherwise be euthanized, so many of these dogs come with extensive medical needs. Even routine, healthy cases cost on average $400-$500 to fully vet and safely arrive in their forever homes. We greatly appreciate all contributions! Fetch Foster and Rescue Inc is a 501c3, so all cash donations are tax-deductible. Checks can be mailed to PO BOX 127 Marathon, WI 54448
Uno update 01/03/23
So, Uno had blood work done and the results were not good. His ammonia levels are still way too high along with his kidney values. We are going to start him on a new diet and hope that will change things and try to get these levels back to somewhat normal. His new diet will be a mix of cottage cheese, oatmeal, chicken, egg and pumpkin. We are hopeful that he will eat this on his own as he still isn't a good eater. However, we will do whatever is necessary to make sure that he does eat something! Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!
Uno update 01/02/23
Uno has been doing OK. We've had a little set back where he has been throwing up lately but are closely monitoring him. He still seems to be acting good so maybe just an upset tummy. He had an appointment just after Christmas for more bloodwork and we are hoping it comes back with good results. But he is almost 2lbs now! He is starting to act like a puppy should act and has become playful at times. However, he is still a very sick little guy and the only thing that keeps him going are the meds and constant feedings. We have started to put hot dogs in his incubator and he loves those so we are hoping he will start to want to eat on his own soon. We are getting there but still have a very long road ahead of us. We tentatively scheduled his CT scan for Feb 8th and surgery on Feb 9th. The current estimate for his surgery is $3500-$5500. Please share this post, donate if you can, and keep him in your thoughts and prayers! We can't do this without you!
Uno update 12/12/22
Uno is doing amazing in his foster home! He is officially 1.1lb and is continuing to gain weight really well! His foster mom says he is definitely feeling better because when she puts him on the ground he gets the zoomies She is limiting activity for him though so he doesn't burn too many calories and continues putting on weight. He loves to cuddle and be held and is being very tolerant of his incubator to help keep him warm.
Uno update 12/09/22
He is home with his foster mom Krysten! He is on 4 medication and needs to be fed every two hours for the next 3-4 weeks until his blood work recheck. Moments foster care was so generous to let us borrow her incubator to keep this guy warm. We love it when rescues can pull together to save a life! This little man has stole the hearts of many, UW Madison said he was the best patient and they are all excited to be part of his journey! We can not say enough wonderful things about the amazing service the doctors and students provide to Uno and his caretaker. We aren’t out of the woods yet and we have a long ways to go. He was officially diagnosed with a large liver shunt that will require surgery . Medical management will continue to be done until we get his ammonia levels under control and he is safe for sedation which at that time will require a CT scan then surgery. Doctors say if we can make it to that point they believe the surgery will give him a long happy life. Please continue to pray for Uno. We have officially raised enough to cover his first visit at Paw Health, we are about 1300 short from covering his visit from UW Madison.
Uno update 12/07/22
Hey everyone! We wanted to give you an update on Uno. He is still being cared for in Madison. He got an ultrasound and hopefully blood work done today and we are awaiting those results. Everything is pointing to a liner shunt, so they are starting him on medication to help with that. The doctor says he will need to get bigger and stronger before they can give him the surgery to fix the shunt. He will need around the clock feedings every two hours to keep his glucose levels stable, and he has the best foster mama who will be working tirelessly to keep this little guy cared for when he comes home. We are hoping to bring him home tomorrow and get him settled in for recovery. Once we get an estimate for the sugery we will post that here. We want to thank you all for your generosity and donations. We couldn't do what we do without you!!
Uno update 12/06/22
Alright Fetch followers. We have a little yorkipoo puppy that needs your help! We took in little Uno from a breeding facility over the weekend and he weighs just 0.9lbs at 3 months old!!
His foster mom found him unresponsive this morning and rushed him to PAW Health Network. He was then transferred to UW Veterinary Care in Madison and is being treated. When he was admitted he has extreme hypoglycemia with blood sugar levels at just 20! They are running tests to determine exactly what is going on with this little sweetie, but believe it may be a liver shunt.
We have a current bill with PAW Health Network of $600, and UW Veterinary Care has quoted us a minimum of $2,000 or up to $4,000.
You all have been so incredibly generous in the past, and we could use your help again! Help us give little Uno a shot at a happy life!
Shopping through is an easy way to support and donate to Fetch Foster and Rescue Inc. The first time you go to you will be asked to select a charitable organization, just search for and select Fetch Foster and Rescue Inc! AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases back to us. This is free for you and helps us save more dogs.
We're sure it's nearly time to order again, whether it be more dog food or some good dog treats! By ordering your next bag with, they’ll proudly donate $20 to Fetch Foster and Rescue Inc.
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Thank you for helping us, help these dogs get the second chance they deserve!
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$36/card- 5 washes/card!
This is a company committed to bringing happiness to all pets – whether they are lucky enough to live with loving families or are still in need of finding love and rescue.
Our adorable handcrafted pet toys begin as unwanted kid stuffed toys. We sanitize them using biodegradable detergent. We remove hard eyes and put cute appliques in their place. We replace the hard noses with colorful pompoms. Then we offer the toys at a price below what you’d pay in a pet store – so no one needs to shed a tear if the toy is destroyed during play.
Finally, we spread the gladness by donating 100% of our profits to Glad Dogs Foundation which funds initiatives to stem pet overpopulation, provide food and medical care for dogs, and support other innovative ideas.
Thank you for being here and helping us make a big difference in the lives of so many dogs!
Every cup helps a pup
Use promo code fechfoster15 or the link below to shop for items you already love and send us a little love. Every purchase sends funds to the pups!